Presco Single and Double Polish Clear vinyl is a hot item! This versatile material is being used in the flooring, shower and mining curtains, laminating, medical devices and safety industries to name a few. Through many years of trials, failures and success’s, we have given our customers the clarity and characteristics they need to complete their task at hand. We focus on much more than just cost because at the end of the day if it’s not “clearly” the best product, it’s worthless.

Clear vinyl is a tricky product as every customer needs a different amount of clarity for specific applications. You can’t just run to the store and purchase this off the shelf. So we test and re-test until we have the optimal results our customer is looking for.

Not sure what you need for your clear application? Call us today and we can help you find a solution because at Presco we make it “clear” that your satisfaction and success is what’s important!