Extrusion Coated Films

One way to do that was to provide a finished coated composite utilizing our extrusion manufacturing process. The result of that development is Presco’s Extrusion Coated Films.

Presco’s Extrusion Coated process takes our Presco Engineered Film and combines it with a substrate in one manufacturing process.

The fabric is introduced to the vinyl as it exits the die in molten form. Rollers then apply just enough pressure needed to marry the substrate and vinyl together to produce an extrusion coated film. Our capabilities include finished roll widths up to 80″, vinyl/vinyl composites, sandwich composites, non-wovens, scrims, and fabrics.

Our Extrusion Coated Composites are utilized in many products such as disposable blood pressure cuffs.


Turn to Presco for all of your engineered film needs. Call (800) 527-3295 to learn more about Presco Film.


For some products, it might be necessary to improve upon vinyl’s dynamic performance with the addition of another polymer. Blending PVC with other polymers will enhance certain physical characteristics while balancing cost considerations.

The customer’s demand for a high quality product at a reasonable price leads the way for PVC Alloys to replace engineering materials. A hot item on the list is PVC/PU alloy blends. They provide the perfect balance between cost and quality. Many times TPU’s are over specified for an application where a PVC Alloy could be used at a cost advantage. PVC/PU alloys have great abrasion resistance, tear strength, tensile strength, and elongation.

For those customers already using PVC formulations, switching to PVC/TPU alloys can prove to be beneficial in other ways as well. In colder climates, films can be protected from cracking by integrating the TPU polymer. Not only that, these alloys are also highly durable, with abrasion resistance and increased tear strength, adding to the film’s lifespan.

At Presco, we use innovative formulations to ensure that we are offering our customers the perfect balance of cost and quality. As our portfolio of PVC alloys, compounds, and non-PVC offerings expands, so does our ability to find the perfect fit for any customer.

To learn more about our process, or to see how Presco’s Engineered Film Division can help you, contact us today!



Large and small roll diameters are well within our internal slitting capabilities. Roll diameters as large as 23.5″ can be slit down to 1.25″ wide. Smaller roll diameters can be slit to .5″ wide.


In-line Perforation is available on most formulations. The perforation is applied during the extrusion process. It allows for the vinyl to be separated similar to how a paper towel would be torn off of a roll. Most any length is available for perforation with a production variance of +/- 2″. Click here to view our perforation.

Heat Seal

Presco PVC film can be heat sealed to create pocket drapes. Heat sealed pockets can be added in any length to both the top and bottom of the drape. Click here to see an example of our heat seal.

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